Plenary sessions - French
Tamsin Rose Eurocarers Young Carers Working Group members from relevant countries (at different levels in the classification of in-country awareness and support for young carers) to have a policy dialogue with policymakers.
1. UK (Advanced) - Ailsa Tweedie and Paul Blomfield, MP, Member of Parliament for Sheffield Central
2. Sweden (Intermediate level) - Jessica Lerner and Agnes Lundström, Program officer Swedish National Board of Health and Wellfare
3. Italy (emerging) - Stefania Buoni + Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP
4. The Netherlands (emerging) - Inge Romeijn and Henk Reinen, Acting Director of the Social support department of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Senast uppdaterad 2022-03-31 av Peter Eriksson, ansvarig utgivare Peter Eriksson