Referenser Action
Bergström I, Blusi M, Höijer C. (2010). Evaluation of ACTION. Family care support in rural area (In Swedish) Swedish institute for Assistive Technology, Older people and technology initiative 2010, Vällingby./ Hanson, E., Magnusson, L. & Sennemark, E. (2011). Blended Learning Networks Supported by Information and Communication Technology: An Intervention for Knowledge Transformation Within Family Care of Older People The Gerontologist, doi:10.1093/geront/gnr015/ Hanson, E., Magnusson, L., Arvidsson, H., Klaesson A., Keady, J., & Nolan, M. (2007)./ Working together with persons with early stage dementia and their family members to design a user-friendly technology based support service, 'Dementia' The international journal of social research and practice, 6(3), 411-434./ Hanson, E., Svensson, P., Arvevik, F. & Magnusson, L. (2007). ACTION: (Assisting Carers using Telematic Interventions to meet Older People's Needs): practitioners' reflections on a Swedish innovation, In: (Eds.). Nolan, M., Hanson, E., Grant, G. & Keady, J. User Participation in Health and Social Care Research: voices, values and evaluation. OpenUniversity Press/McGraw-Hill Publications./ Hanson, E. J., & Clarke, A. (2000). The role of telematics in assisting family carers and frail older people at home. Health and Social Care in the Community, 8(2): 232-241./ Hanson, E. J., Tetley, J. & Clarke, A. (1999). A multimedia intervention to support family caregivers. The Gerontologist, 39(6), 736-741./ Kubitschke L, Cullen K. (Eds). (2010). ICT & Ageing European study on users, markets and Technologies, Final report for EC DG Information Society & Media: European Commission, Brussels./ Magnusson L. (2005). Designing a responsive support service for family carers of frail older people using information and communication technology [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Göteborg: Göteborgs University, Sweden./ Magnusson, L., & Hanson, E. (2005). Supporting frail older people and their family carers living at home using Information and Communication Technology: A Swedish case study cost analysis, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51(6), 645-657./ Magnusson, L., Hanson, E., & Borg, M. (2004). A literature review study of Information and Communication Technology as a support for frail older people living at home and their family carers. Technology and Disability, 16, 223-235./ Magnusson, L., & Hanson, E. (2004). Working together with older people and their family carers to research and develop responsive ICT support services. Health Telematics Journal.10(1), 83-88./ Magnusson, L., & Hanson, E. (2003). Ethical issues arising from a research, technology and development project to support frail older people and their family carers at home. Health and Social Care in the Community, 11(5), 431-439./ Magnusson, L., Hanson, E, Brito, L., et al. (2002) Supporting family carers through the use of information technology - the EU project ACTION. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(4), 369-381./ Savolainen, L., Hanson, E., Magnusson, L., & Gustavsson, T. (2008), An Internet-based videoconferencing system for supporting frail elderly people and their carers, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 14(2), 79-82./ Tetley, J., Hanson, E. & Clarke, A. (2000). Older people, telematics and care In, Warnes, A.,Warren, L., & Nolan, M. (Eds.) Care Services for Later Life: Transformations and Critiques. Jessica Kingsley publications./ Torp, S., Hanson, E., Hauge, S., Ulstein, I., & Magnusson, L. (2008). A pilot study of how information and communication technology may contribute to health promotion amongst older spousal carer. Health and Social Care in the Community, 16(1), 75-85./ E-post kontakt med Paul Svensson, Action Caring sweden AB, för att verifiera uppgifter.
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