Symposium SIBS - an evidence-based intervention targeting communication and mental health for siblings and parents of children with disabilities
1.The development of SIBS – an intervention aiming to strengthen communication between siblings and parents of children with disabilities. Torun M. Vatne, Clinical psychologist Phd, Frambu resource centre for rare disorders, Norway
2. Practical examples – videos from SIBS and discussion
3. Developing and implementing an e-learning- and a practical course for providers of SIBS Christoffer Hals, communication adviser, Frambu resource centre for rare disorders, Norway
4. Prevention of mental health problems for siblings and parents of children with neurodevelopment disorders – A randomized controlled trial (SIBS-RCT) Trude Fredriksen, Clinical Psychologist/PhD-candidate; Innlandet Hospital Trust & University of Oslo, Norway
5. Online intervention for siblings and parents of children with rare disorders – A multiple baseline trial (SIBS-ONLINE) Krister Fjermestad, Clinical Psychologist/Professor; Frambu resource centre for rare disorders & University of Oslo, Norway
Senast uppdaterad 2022-03-22 av Peter Eriksson, ansvarig utgivare Peter Eriksson