Towards young carers’ friendly educational systems

Aiming High!: Educational Aspirations of Young Carers” Feylyn Lewis, University of Sussex, United Kingdom


Supporting young adults carers during their studies: opportunities for higher education institutions. A co-design approach Benedicte De Koker, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium


Possibilities and limits of dealing with young carers’ needs in a school counselling system Anna-Maria Spittel, C.v.O. University Oldenburg, Germany


Young Carers in Upper Secondary School and their Future Career Prospects Breda Moloney, University College Dublin, Ireland


Opportunities and challenges we face in identifying and supporting young carers as the first organisation in Flanders for (and by) young carers Julie Everix, Founder and president of ZoJong!, student @ University of Ghent

Senast uppdaterad 2022-03-24 av Peter Eriksson, ansvarig utgivare Peter Eriksson