Symposium Promoting the mental health and wellbeing of adolescent young carers in Europe – the ‘ME-WE’ EU funded research project

Introduction to the ME-WE project Elizabeth Hanson, Linnaeus University, Swedish Family Care Competence Centre, Professor, ME-WE Principal Investigator, Coordinator, Sweden



Results from the ME-WE Study: A Cross-National Profile of the Mental Health Well-Being of European Adolescent Young Carers Feylyn Lewis, University of Sussex, UK



Promoting Mental Health Among Adolescents Young Carers in Europe: who cares for legislation, policy and support for adolescent young carers Agnes Leu, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland & Henk Herman Nap, Vilans, The Netherlands


Blended Learning Networks in the ME-WE project Renske Hoefman, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Marjet Karssenberg, Marlot Bolk, Inge Romeijn, young carers, Yvonne de Jong, Vilans, The Netherlands ; Elizabeth Hanson, Linnaeus University, Sweden



Senast uppdaterad 2022-03-17 av Peter Eriksson, ansvarig utgivare Peter Eriksson