Symposium: Research and support of young carers in France: where are we?

1. Are there young carers in France? Results from the ADOCARE and CAMPUS-CARE studies among high school and college students Géraldine Dorard, Eléonore Jarrige, Christel Vioulac, Aurélie Untas, University of Paris

2. What is the level of professionals’ awareness of young carers in French Schools? Aurélie Untas, Pauline Justin, Juliette Henry, Charlène Debruyne, Christel Vioulac, Géraldine Dorard, University of Paris

3. What are the practices of professionals in oncology with young carers? A qualitative study Pauline Justin, Géraldine Dorard, Aurélie Untas, University of Paris

4. Young carers making a film about their experience during a respite care Amarantha Bourgeois, Françoise Ellien, French National Association for YC (JADE)

Senast uppdaterad 2022-03-15 av Peter Eriksson, ansvarig utgivare Peter Eriksson