I text my parents

Our family does a lot of things on the weekends.
Like this weekend, there are three things planned.
That's a lot.
But I just want to stay at home and do nothing.
I know when I have the energy to do things – and when I don't.
When I'm too tired I fly into a rage that I can't control.
Imagine a scale between 1 and 10. 10 is full energy and 1 is the bottom.
When my energy is low, I'm scared of losing control of myself.
I know what I'm able to handle and I want you to help me plan the weekdays.
It's hard to talk about these things face to face.
When we're in the same room.
When I see your faces and try to guess what you're thinking, I get wound up and worry about what you feel about it.
For me, it's easier to talk to you about these things by text message.
It becomes clearer to me what I feel and think.
And I can concentrate on what you have written in your answer.
This is good for you too because you don't have to answer straight away.
You get more time to think about what I mean, and you can go over what I have written a few times.
But it doesn't work when we are at home at the same time.
You might then decide to come talk to me and not text an answer.
There has to be a little distance.
So I'll write from other places like school or the youth centre.
Texting feels like a good thing for me.

/Wilhelm, 17 years old

Snackeboda. Bild på en ”prata”